Work Injury
Work Injuries
Small tasks done with poor posture can create big problems over time. Twisting and turning while moving boxes or even continuous typing can cause both acute and chronic pain to arise. Even if you are using correct posture, the simple act of doing the same movement day in and day out can create major problems over time. Here are some of the common repetitive stress injuries:
- Ligament sprain(s) &/ Muscular tendon strain(s)
- Frozen Shoulder
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Sciatica
- Back Ache
- Arthritis
- Slipped or Herniated discs
However mild or severe the problem begins, it is important to start early treatment to ensure the issue does not progress to something more problematic.
Chiropractic is a fantastic solution to many different types of health problems. One of the issues that a chiropractor can help you to treat and possibly even prevent is a work injury. Here are a few of the ways in which chiropractic can benefit you if you become injured at work, as well as how they may be able to help you prevent a work injury in the first place! People experiencing work injuries are often referred to chiropractors because of the high success rate with treating these types of injuries. Chiropractic care offers a gentle, non-invasive first step when seeking treatment. A chiropractor will perform a thorough evaluation in order to assess your condition and find the exact source. Once the cause of the pain has been determined, the chiropractor will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan.
The sooner you receive proper care after a work injury, the easier it is to avoid further pain and complications.
It’s Cost Effective!
When employees utilize chiropractic care, it cuts health care costs for everyone. A study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2012 reported that when employees visit chiropractors, they spend less money on health care. That’s good news for every working person!

It’s the Best Way to Recover
Musculoskeletal pain, including lower back pain, is the number one reason for lost work time. Chiropractors have been found to be very effective in the treatment of lower back pain, neck pain, and sciatica. So, being treated by a chiropractor get you back to work faster and it might also be able to help you reduce the chances of becoming injured.
In fact, a study out of Minnesota found that chiropractic patients were half as likely to miss work due to disability as workers who don’t seek chiropractic care. Chiropractic patients were also found to miss fewer days at work, which is a pretty big deal considering that in the United States, according to the Department of Labor, $61 billion dollars a year is lost due to missing work. Let chiropractic get you back to work faster!
It’s Natural
Your chiropractor doesn’t want to just treat your symptoms, they want to find the root cause of your injury and treat it. That means they want to help your body to find balance, and through finding balance improve performance as well as your body’s ability to heal itself when injured.
Also, because it is a natural treatment option, chiropractic does not employ the use of pain medications – which have been found to increase a person’s chances of disability.
It Treats a Wide Range of Injuries
From simple strains and sprains to herniated or slipped discs, your chiropractor is qualified to treat many different types of injuries that can happen at work. Repetitive injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are very common in many workers as well.